
When people think ‘exercise’, they usually think aerobic exercise, like biking, swimming or jogging. While the cardio will get your heart rate up and burn calories, strength training is important, too – in part because it helps to build lean body mass, which  can bump up your metabolic rate and help offset the drop in calorie burn that takes place when you cut your calories.

Exercise Programme To Lose Weight?

Adding even a few pounds of lean muscle will increase the number of calories your body burns each and every day. When you perform strength training, you’re burning additional calories for a much longer period of time than if you merely do cardio exercise.

Muscles are like ” far furnaces” they burn calories…

Focusing only on cardio and skipping strength training could actually make it harder for you to lose weight. In fact, you may even gain weight – especially if your cardio workouts exceed 45 minutes. If you do cardio too long, your body consumes muscle for energy. For most people, that “too long” mark is at about 45 minutes. Done over and over again, day after day, this excess cardio could have a substantial impact on your body – and the muscle loss could decrease your metabolism and result in weight gain.

An effective exercise programme to lose weight will include regular strength training and cardio workouts, done either separately or together, depending on your schedule and goals. Another important component is, of course, eating a healthy diet as well. Ask any fitness pro or nutrition expert and you will hear that diet is typically about 80% responsible when it comes to  losing weight, with exercise contributing 20%.

Fit Clubs combine metabolic workouts, strength training, personalised nutritional intake from Herbalife, ongoing coaching and regular body compostion testing to get optimum results.

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